Aug 10, 2009

Why You Should Spoil Your Kids

Starting at an early age it is wise to do everything in your power to spoil your kids. I know this concept runs counter to current parenting dogma, but I am here to tell you the myriad reasons why this is not only a good idea, but it should be mandated as a constitutional amendment.

When your small child misbehaves by crying and whining in a grocery store or restaurant, do not reprimand them, scold them, or simply remove them from the premises: it is much better to subject the general public to this annoyance because we were all children once.

If your little angel is having a temper tantrum because they are not getting what they want, by all means give in to them- ALWAYS give in to them. That way you are teaching them that a 5 year old has more power and authority than an adult. The amazing thing about this is that your angel will then never leave home and when they are thirty, jobless, shiftless, and lazy, you will be assured of their presence in your home for the rest of your life. What could be better?

During the teenage years buy them whatever they want so they never learn the value of a dollar, or even better the value of your money. This will insure that they just expect you to buy them material possessions, take you for granted, and also that they don't value gifts or how hard it is to earn money in a real job. If you are diligent in spoiling them in this way you will have the added benefit of guaranteeing that if they ever do leave home, they will become clinically depressed because mommy and daddy no longer buy them everything, and having a full time job is actual work.

Requiring your progeny to work at home or be employed in order to get the stuff they want is old school thinking and has no place in the modern world. Having to wait or save up for trips, or toys/possessions is not conducive to a child's growth process. Spoiling your kids with instant gratification is the way to go. If you don't believe me just ask any marketing department at a major corporation.

Kids that grow up learning skills, acquiring good judgement and common sense are a thing of the past and no longer necessary...

When your child is an adolescent never ever refuse them a social opportunity to party, drink, do drugs, go on road trips, and ride in cars with 8 other kids crammed in being driven by another inebriated teenager who got their driver's license yesterday. After all when your teenager wails that all the other parents allow their kids to do this, you should not risk damaging their self esteem or hurting their feelings by telling them no-

A serious car accident or trip to the emergency room is far better than having to refuse your precious a chance to party with peers.

Come on mom and dad, get with it and spoil those kids!!