Mar 6, 2010

Posted by Kemuel Ronis and Linda Falcao-

When you are 18 you leave home…

The hard part of parenting occurs when you have to begin withdrawing services from your child in order to teach them independence and responsibility.

The teenage years are a time of great change for your son or daughter. They are changing physically and emotionally, testing limits, and trying to find their identity and place in the world.

Adolescence can be challenging for parents because the testing of boundaries can bring with it anger, withdrawal of love, arguments, etc.

It is helpful to remember that being consistent and firm during this period will not only eliminate many of these conflicts, but it is also in the long term best interest of your child.

The irony is that sometimes parents believe that they are helping by taking care of their kid’s problems: by literally and figuratively cleaning up their messes.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The only thing that this does is enable and cripple your child. They do not learn how to be independent and they never experience negative consequences.

Life is full of natural negative consequences both small and large. As a student if you don’t do your homework you may fail a test.

As an adult if you don’t pay your bills on time there is a late charge. If you don’t have your seatbelt on in a car crash you may go through the windshield and die.

___________________ One of the hardest parts of parenting is saying no.

Making things easy for your children does not make life easy for them: in reality it does the opposite.

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