Aug 3, 2009

Yoda as a parent

The truth is that children need and want us to be consistent, strong, and loving parents. We need to just be parents and stop believing that we can’t be the authority in our own homes. Let’s successfully guide our children into adulthood. To quote Yoda from Star Wars, “There is no try, only do.”


  1. Sort of like the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.

  2. Proofreader,
    There is a great country music song with that lyric- I can't remember the singer....

  3. Your mention of Yoda is apt. Good parenting is crucial, but children also need sensible non-parent older adults who care about them. And, of course, they need mentors. In every classic coming-of-age story, from the ancient legends to The Ring Trilogy, Star Wars, and Harry Potter, the hero has a mentor who helps him through his trials and fades away when the job is done.
